How to download the conference app?
Please follow instructions below to download the app to your smart phones.
Information for iPhone users:
- Search for EventsLite in the App Store or go to this link http://bit.ly/17Mk3Ib
- Enter wsna2025 for the event code.
- Username: Your registered email address
- Temp password: wsna2025
Information for Android users:
- Search for EventsLite in Google Play Store or go to this link http://bit.ly/1hjiC3E
- Enter wsna2025 for the event code.
- Username: Your registered email address
- Temp password: wsna2025

How will I receive my certificate?
How to earn points through various activities?

To receive points you must finish each activity and scan the activity QR code in the conference app.
- Stop by at an activity section
- Tap on your scan icon in the home page, which will open your scanner
- Scan the activity QR code after completing the activity