Elevate Your Tradeshow Experience

Exhibitor and Sponsors

Exhibitor Profiles

Provides easy access to conference schedule with details about breakout sessions, session tracks and special events

Personalize Schedule

Exhibitor search capability allows attendees to search exhibitors by name, products or keywords

Feature Sponsors

Publish sponsor names and profiles based on sponsorship levels


Tradeshow Navigation

Maps & Directions

Enable attendees to easily navigate to the venue by publishing maps and directions

Venue Map

Detailed indoor venue maps allows attendees to navigate within the facility

Exhibit Hall Map

Exhibit hall map empowers attendees to navigate through tradeshow floor and visit exhibitors

Tradeshow Program


Quick access to tradeshow schedule, sessions and activities


Publish speaker bios with photos

Special Events

Feature special presentations, demos and activities


Live Communication

Push Notifications

Send instant alerts and updates during the conference


Empower attendees to engage in conversation by posting messages and photos


Enable attendees to provide their valuable feedback during and after the conference

Contact us
to schedule a demo