Member Benefits App
Instant Access to Member Benefits on the GO!
Member Directory
Member Listings
Provide access to member directory with contact information and profile information
Partners and Vendors Listings
Easy access to vendors and partners
Empower members to connect with other members and partners by searching by name, location or product

Member Resources
Event Calendar
Provide instant access to upcoming events and registration information
Communicate information about active legislations and legislative events
Provides access to membership policies and guidelines
Member Access
Provide easy access to leadership profile
Instant access to contact information of staff and leadership
Maps & Directions
Convenient access to maps, location and driving directions

Member Engagement
Member Feedback
Seek and collect continuous feedback from members and partners
Promote Conversations
Fosters communication by enabling members to post messages and photos
Push Notifications
Communicate instant messages and news updates through push notifications
Contact us to schedule a demo